Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Another Day in Paradise

I have recently been shown and I think it would be safe to say I'm addicted. 

I am currently in bed watching Keith:

I took a funny photo of myself this afternoon..don't know why. After looking at it I thought "I could send this to Wayne..just to see what happens." I thought it best to wait though. Actually, I wasn't sure I would send the photo. 

So as the day passed I found myself scrolling over our text conversation, trying to quickly avoid his photo. For whatever reason just seeing that a conversation, a happy conversation, once existed eats at my heart. While doing this I started to feel angry. I couldn't help but want to yell at him. Who the hell just disappears like this (except for every other man I've dated...). 

With this anger surfacing I found myself wanting to just text him something along the lines of how I'm sure he's busy but I would like my shirt belt (an item left at his apartment) back so if he could keep that in mind for when he returns from Minnesota.

In my head that text was somewhat spiteful, somewhat sarcastic, somewhat hitting on how fucking rude it is that he's just disappeared. I'm sure in reality it wouldn't come across that way. So I settled for sending that silly photo and saying how it summed up the blahness of the day.

Hours later he responded! Of course the text only spoke of how busy he'd been with traveling lately. I said something about poor him. He said he's survive.

And thus ends the conversation. What the fuck are you doing Aubree? The man for me, if he exists, wont play games like this. He'll want to speak to me, want to see me again, he wont give me things to question or worry about. 

Wayne doesn't want me.

1 comment:

  1. Your last paragraph really says it all. You need to always re-read that whenever these feelings for him come back up. A man that truly cares for you will never play games and will always want to speak to you.
