Saturday, June 20, 2009

For Firsts


My name is Aubree. I'm your average girl. I've always had a myspace or a livejournal. I even have a facebook and I do occasionally use the blog or note spot on there but lately I've been feeling uncomfortable announcing my thoughts. Either my friends read and write nothing keeping their possible scrutinizing thoughts to themselves or I get crap about what I've written. Jokingly of course. But maybe that wasn't the reaction I was looking for. Its not that I have bad friends. I just wanted some different blog spot to write on. So here I am.

The thought came to mind that anyone who wants to contact me I suppose feel free. I like meeting new people. And since its more than likely anyone coming across my page isn't someone I've known for years I'd be intrigued in hearing what they had to say.

I'm actually going to cut this off right here for now. I have plenty of things running through my mind right now but I don't exactly feel like gushing at the

I'll be back.

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