Monday, June 22, 2009

First Dates and First Kisses

I find it funny that just the other day I was whining in my post about boys and relationships and love. Yada yada. Its especially funny when I got invited to go out yesterday and had an amazing time. A couple months ago I started talking to Jim online. We emailed back and forth and it went no where. I kinda took it as he wasn't interested. That we were just emailing to kill time or something. Then out of the blue I get an email from him again apologizing for not having email me in a while. He seemed more cheery and it was pleasant. With the bad that has been going on receiving an email asking me if I would like to get together some time was perfect. What I found most shocking was before I could respond or even think about it he text me saying 'Do me a favor and let me pay for everything.' He wanted to treat me. ::smile:: The plan was that he would come pick me up and we would drive back out by him (which is over 40 miles away :/). We'd go out to dinner and since I'm more for plain old American food it was decided that we were going to Applebee's. After that...the drive in! :) To see Up and Land of the Lost. So since it was our first time meeting I was so nervous and this long drive gave us a lot of time to chat. It was a little difficult at first but we soon got comfortable with each other. It was a lovely scenic drive through parts of Illinois that I'd never been. I loved it. Reminder: Visit Castle Rock Park sometime. When we got into town we stopped off at his apartment to grab a few things. I met his cute little cat. Her name was...Kit Cat :) She was adorable! After we headed to dinner. It was a nice time, good food. We finished just in time for the movie. We headed over to the drive in. I was so excited. Going to the drive in was something we used to do in my family when we were younger. Jim had never been to the drive in. An experience! :) Without dragging out all the details we sat through Up which was adorable. Towards the end he put his arm around me and we cuddled in the back seat to the movie. We decided that we were going to stay for Land of the Lost. I enjoyed the movie a bit lol After it was over and people started leaving I looked at him and he leaned in and kissed me... Wonderful! There was perfect chemistry between us. The kiss was amazing. No awkwardness at all lol We decided to hang out a little bit longer at his place so we got ready to leave. As soon as he turned on the car he caught me off guard by sliding his hand behind my neck and pulling me in for a quick kiss. I had butterflies in my stomach! We went to his place and watched a movie for a bit. Of course there was more kissing involved. It was an amazing night. It was time to go at that point. It was really late and he needed to be at work at 8am. When we walked outside it was raining. Right before we got to his car I pulled his arm and turned him towards me. We kissed in the rain :) Such a memory. The drive home was long but I was in blissful state. I kissed him goodnight and went inside to sleep. I cant wait to see him again. Normally someone who lives about an hour away from me I wouldn't try to have anything with. I'd much rather we live closer and have more of an opportunity to see each other. My major flaw is getting attached too easily. I'm already excited about seeing him again... I should not get attached to someone I just met. ::sigh::

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